Sections (click ↑ to return to top):
Miscellaneous GURPS 4th Edition
- Podcast Episode 01 (from “Answering Reader Mail 01“)
- Example Characters (from “New to GURPS“)
- Quick-Start Characters (from “Quick-Start Character Creation“)
- Quick-Play Adventures (from “Quick-Play Adventures“)
- Convention One-Shot Packages (from “Convention One-Shots”)
Form-Fillable PDFs
GURPS Character Sheets ↑
Character Sheet (With Some Calculations)
Blank character sheet from pages B335-336 of GURPS Characters.
Includes a few simple auto-calculations.
Downloaded: 34,317 | Size: 190.2 KB | Added: October 09, 2010
Character Sheet (No Attribute Calculation)
Blank character sheet, as above, except Attribute costs (only) are not calculated.
Downloaded: 8,336 | Size: 190.6 KB | Added: November 12, 2010
Character Sheet (No Calculations)
Blank character sheet, as above, except no auto-calculations at all.
Downloaded: 10,849 | Size: 207.7 KB | Added: July 29, 2015
Quick-Start Character Sheet
A simplified character sheet using the original Quick-Start
“Seven-Minute GURPS Character” rules (outdated, replaced by below).
Downloaded: 5,821 | Size: 134.1 KB | Added: December 31, 2014
Quick-Start Character Sheet (Notable)
A simplified character sheet for “Notable” characters (18 attribute levels, 2 advantages,
4 skills) using the latest Quick-Start “Seven-Minute GURPS Character” rules.
Downloaded: 4,221 | Size: 30.5 KB | Added: August 28, 2015
Quick-Start Character Sheet (Heroic)
A simplified character sheet for “Heroic” characters (24 attribute levels, 2 advantages,
6 skills) using the latest Quick-Start “Seven-Minute GURPS Character” rules.
Downloaded: 3,286 | Size: 30.5 KB | Added: August 28, 2015
Quick-Start Character Sheet (Epic)
A simplified character sheet for “Epic” characters (30 attribute levels, 3 advantages,
8 skills) using the latest Quick-Start “Seven-Minute GURPS Character” rules.
Downloaded: 3,220 | Size: 30.6 KB | Added: August 28, 2015
Simplified Character Sheet ver. 3 - Black & White
The most current version of the simplified character sheet for basic GURPS games (black & white version).
Downloaded: 2,501 | Size: 428.6 KB | Added: March 16, 2019
Simplified Character Sheet ver. 3 - Color
The most current version of the simplified character sheet for basic GURPS games, this one with some color splashes.
Downloaded: 2,616 | Size: 438.6 KB | Added: March 16, 2019
Simplified Character Sheet ver. 2
A different version of the simplified character sheet for basic GURPS games.
Downloaded: 2,291 | Size: 106.8 KB | Added: March 16, 2019
Simplified Character Sheet ver. 1
A simplified character sheet for basic GURPS games.
Downloaded: 5,933 | Size: 32.3 KB | Added: June 13, 2011
Ultra-Lite Character Sheet
A form-fillable character sheet for GURPS Ultra-Lite characters, as discussed in this post.
Downloaded: 2,847 | Size: 1.0 MB | Added: July 08, 2018
Dungeon Fantasy RPG Sheets ↑
Character Sheet (No Calculations)
Fillable form version of the Dungeon Fantasy RPG Character Sheet from the “Adventurers” book.
Downloaded: 10,100 | Size: 395.0 B | Added: September 14, 2017
Monster, Traps, Diseases/Poisons Sheet
Fillable form version of the Dungeon Fantasy RPG “Monster, Traps, and Diseases/Poisons” sheet from the “Monsters” book.
Downloaded: 5,059 | Size: 186.8 KB | Added: September 23, 2017
Spell Sheet
Fillable form version of the Dungeon Fantasy RPG “Spell Sheet” from the “Spells” book.
Downloaded: 5,144 | Size: 211.6 KB | Added: September 23, 2017
Other Forms ↑
Campaign Planning Form
The Campaign Planning Form from page B567 of GURPS Campaigns.
Downloaded: 6,820 | Size: 120.4 KB | Added: June 16, 2011
Character Creation Walkthrough
A worksheet that allows players with no knowledge of GURPS to describe their character in useful GURPS terms to assist the GM in creating it.
Downloaded: 10,266 | Size: 69.6 KB | Added: November 14, 2011
NPC Record Cards
Blank NPC Record Cards from page B569 of GURPS Campaigns. Four cards per sheet.
Downloaded: 5,983 | Size: 73.8 KB | Added: March 10, 2011
Time Use Sheets
Blank Time Use Sheets from page B569 of GURPS Campaigns. Two per sheet.
Values are auto-calculated.
Downloaded: 4,293 | Size: 58.6 KB | Added: March 11, 2011
Time Use Sheets (No Calculation)
Blank Time Use Sheets as above, except values are not calculated. Two per sheet.
Downloaded: 2,366 | Size: 55.9 KB | Added: March 10, 2011
Summary Sheets ↑
Color Coded GM Screen
My most recent custom GM screen for GURPS 4th Edition, as discussed in this post. Features a standard 12-point font, color coded section titles, and eight pages’ worth of streamlined GURPS-y goodness.
Downloaded: 7,956 | Size: 1.4 MB | Added: August 5, 2018
Grenades Table
Table displaying various grenades and their effects broken down by distance in yards from point of explosion, as explained in this post.
Downloaded: 3,200 | Size: 113.8 KB | Added: March 30, 2016
Hit Locations
Summary sheet of the Hit Locations from GURPS Basic Set, Martial Arts, and Low-Tech.
Downloaded: 5,501 | Size: 14.8 KB | Added: June 05, 2011
Hit Locations and Posture
Summary sheet of some of the Hit Locations from GURPS Basic Set and Martial Arts (excluding Nose, Spine, and Weapon).
Includes the Posture rules from page 99 of Martial Arts.
Downloaded: 3,975 | Size: 16.7 KB | Added: February 14, 2011
Maneuvers and Posture Table
Summary sheet of the Maneuvers and Posture Table from GURPS Basic Set and Martial Arts.
Downloaded: 5,411 | Size: 16.1 KB | Added: February 14, 2011
Player Handout
A four page handout for players and GMs new to GURPS, detailing the most common maneuvers and their options, the effects of Hit Point and Fatigue Point loss, range penalties, and hit locations. Details in this post. (Please note, the Feint maneuver is not included! My players just never seem to use it.)
Downloaded: 8,957 | Size: 183.5 KB | Added: September 20, 2017 | Updated: October 28, 2017
Simplified GM Screen
A four-panel, densely packed but simplified GM screen as described in this post.
Downloaded: 4,631 | Size: 155.9 KB | Added: July 21, 2017
Simplified Maneuvers and Combat Options
Simplified summary sheet of the Maneuvers and common combat options from GURPS Basic Set and Martial Arts.
Downloaded: 5,896 | Size: 61.3 KB | Added: February 23, 2011
Skills Guide
A guide to common GURPS skills for new players, in the format of “I want to… [BLANK] someone/something.” (from this post)
Downloaded: 6,114 | Size: 99.5 KB | Added: February 2, 2017
Streamlined GM Screen
Extremely simplified collection of GM info for running streamlined games.
Downloaded: 3,156 | Size: 86.9 KB | Added: February 8, 2016
Miscellaneous GURPS 4th Edition ↑
Combat Examples
11 examples of combat in PDF format, using the GURPS 4th Edition rules.
Includes the examples FAQ and a directory page.
Note: This is an older project, and some of these are not as up-to-date as the web pages they are taken from.
Downloaded: 5,467 | Size: 455.2 KB | Added: February 26, 2008
GCA - Default All Traits to GMCS
A .gdf file for GURPS Character Assistant (GCA) that attempts to auto-mark all Skills, Advantages, and Disadvantages for inclusion on the GM Control Sheet as they are added.
Downloaded: 2,127 | Size: 6.9 KB | Added: February 02, 2013
Tri-Fold Figure Word Template
An MS Word .docx with a template for printing out tri-fold character figures.
Swap out the text and pics, print on cardstock, fold and glue.
Downloaded: 1,930 | Size: 232.0 KB | Added: February 24, 2016
Spreadsheets ↑
Combat Spreadsheet
Excel spreadsheet to assist in following the steps and learning the GURPS 4th Edition combat system. Alpha version.
Downloaded: 8,353 | Size: 625.5 KB | Added: September 12, 2008
Everything Released Spreadsheet
A spreadsheet version of the Steve Jackson Games “Everything We’ve Ever Released” page, including links to the current product pages. Last updated: 12/02/2016
Downloaded: 1,624 | Size: 292.9 KB | Added: December 02, 2016
Templates Spreadsheet
A master list of all Occupational Templates, Occupational Lenses, and Racial Templates published for GURPS 4th Edition, with where they can be found and point totals.
All information taken from this forum post. Last updated: 9/27/2018
Downloaded: 6,543 | Size: 105.2 KB | Added: May 14, 2011
Traits List (Ads/Disads/Skills)
All Advantages, Disadvantages, and Skills from the Trait List on pp. 297-304 in a spreadsheet format (.xlsx) for ease of filtering and arranging, as noted in this post.
Downloaded: 4,423 | Size: 48.8 KB | Added: August 02, 2017
Game Geekery Series ↑
Audio Podcasts ↑
Episode 01: Answering Reader Questions 01
Answering a few reader-submitted questions about GURPS (from this post).
Downloaded: 1,128 | Size: 34.1 MB | Added: August 25, 2016
Episode 02: FnordCon2 - GURPS Panel
A quick 10-minute rundown on some of my takeaways from the FnordCon2 panel on GURPS.
Downloaded: 3,177 | Size: 7.5 MB | Added: April 20, 2020
Episode 03: FnordCon2 - AMA - Kromm
Another look at one of the FnordCon2 events, this time the Ask Me Anything (AMA) with Kromm, the GURPS Line Editor.
Downloaded: 510 | Size: 8.0 MB | Added: April 23, 2020
Darknet #00 (Character Creation)
An audio only version (MP3) of the character creation get-together for our new GURPS Cyberpunk game, Darknet, as mentioned in these posts. No editing/post-production done, audio provided solely as-is.
The original Happy Jacks video — the source file — is available here on YouTube.
Downloaded: (unknown) | Size: 134 MB | Added: March 11, 2018
Darknet #01 (Actual Play)
An audio only version (MP3) of the first actual play for our new GURPS Cyberpunk game, Darknet, as mentioned in this post. No editing/post-production done, audio provided solely as-is.
The original Happy Jacks video — the source file — is available here on YouTube.
Downloaded: (unknown) | Size: 156 MB | Added: April 7, 2018
Example Characters (series: New to GURPS) ↑
Rex Brown - Basic Example Character
Rex Brown, the example character for the basic posts in the “New to GURPS” series.
Downloaded: 2,633 | Size: 285.9 KB | Added: July 19, 2015
Kerna Dallon - Intermediate Example Character
Kerna Dallon, the example character for the intermediate posts in the “New to GURPS” series.
Downloaded: 2,269 | Size: 38.2 KB | Added: September 24, 2015
Quick-Start Characters (series: Quick-Start Character Creation) ↑
NOTE: Blank character sheets are above, under “GURPS Character Sheets.”
Conan the Barbarian (Notable, Heroic, and Epic)
Quick-Start versions of Conan the Barbarian at three different power levels:
Notable, Heroic, and Epic (from this post).
Downloaded: 1,143 | Size: 59.6 KB | Added: July 20, 2015
Also available for individual download.
Noble (Downloaded: 2,323 | Size: 70.1 KB)
Heroic (Downloaded: 1,969 | Size: 61.3 KB)
Epic (Downloaded: 2,109 | Size: 61.9 KB)
Fantasy Party (Heroic)
A Quick-Start version of a standard fantasy party at the “Heroic” power level:
Cleric, Fighter, Thief, and Wizard (from this post).
Downloaded: 2,715 | Size: 53.3 KB | Added: September 19, 2015
Also available for individual download.
Cleric (Downloaded: 2,208 | Size: 61.0 KB)
Fighter (Downloaded: 2,222 | Size: 65.4 KB)
Thief (Downloaded: 1,983 | Size: 65.5 KB)
Wizard (Downloaded: 2,290 | Size: 72.7 KB)
Modern Agents (Heroic)
A Quick-Start version of a standard crew of modern “agent” types (FBI, mercs, thieves, etc.) at the “Heroic” power level:
Face, Hitter, Infiltrator, and Shooter (from this post).
Downloaded: 2,335 | Size: 54.8 KB | Added: April 14, 2015
Also available for individual download.
Face (Downloaded: 1,900 | Size: 88.9 KB)
Hitter (Downloaded: 1,778 | Size: 73.9 KB)
Infiltrator (Downloaded: 1,768 | Size: 76.3 KB)
Shooter (Downloaded: 1,783 | Size: 67.2 KB)
Modern Fireteam (Heroic)
A Quick-Start version of a four-person modern fireteam of soldiers at the “Heroic” power level:
Team Leader, Sniper, Grenadier, and Automatic Rifleman (from this post).
Downloaded: 2,248 | Size: 55.7 KB | Added: April 20, 2015
Also available for individual download.
Team Leader (Downloaded: 1,907 | Size: 156.4 KB)
Sniper (Downloaded: 1,776 | Size: 89.4 KB)
Grenadier (Downloaded: 1,588 | Size: 94.3 KB)
Automatic Rifleman (Downloaded: 1,684 | Size: 91.8 KB)
Quick-Play Adventures (series: Quick-Play Adventures) ↑
Race for The Dutchman
“Race for The Dutchman” is an Old West Quick-Play adventure for GURPS 4th Edition,
discussed here in the blog.
Current version: 0.92, 04/07/2016
Downloaded: 4,117 | Size: 266.7 KB | Added: November 28, 2015
The Bunnies' Tale
“The Bunnies’ Tale” is a Watership Down/Bunnies & Burrows-inspired Quick-Play adventure for GURPS 4th Edition, discussed here in the blog.
Current version: 0.91, 04/07/2016
Downloaded: 2,734 | Size: 341.6 KB | Added: March 11, 2016
Convention One-Shot Packages ↑
Beware the Boogeyman
All of the notes and characters for a convention game of children’s toys confronting the Boogeyman I ran at Gamex 2016, as described in this post.
Downloaded: 1,433 | Size: 2.3 MB | Added: June 1, 2016
Hare Today, Gone Tomorrow
All of the notes and characters for a convention game of GURPS Bunnies & Burrows I ran at Orccon, as described in this post.
Downloaded: 1,842 | Size: 1.7 MB | Added: February 14, 2017
Hell on Wheels
All of the notes and characters for a convention game of bikers and werewolves I ran at Gateway 2016, as described in this post.
Downloaded: 1,297 | Size: 2.5 MB | Added: September 15, 2016
In Defense of House Stark
All of the notes and characters for a convention game of bikers and werewolves I ran at Gateway 2017, as described in this post.
Downloaded: 1,340 | Size: 3.3 MB | Added: September 6, 2017
Locus: A Needle in Infinite Haystacks
All of the notes and characters for a convention game I ran at Orccon 2016.
Set in the multi-dimensional city of Locus.
Downloaded: 1,904 | Size: 848.5 KB | Added: February 17, 2016
All of the notes and characters for a convention game I ran at Gateway 2013,
based on the unproduced D&D cartoon finale, “Requiem,” as outlined here.
Downloaded: 1,396 | Size: 1.6 MB | Added: January 12, 2017
Rescue or Bug Hunt?
GM materials and PC pre-gen characters for a convention game I ran at Gamex 2017, a “Colonial Marines vs. Alien Xenomorphs” inspired by the movie “Aliens.” More details here, here, and here.
Downloaded: 2,137 | Size: 3.0 MB | Added: May 31, 2017
Some Bunny Needs You
Most of the notes and characters for a GURPS: Bunnies and Burrows game I ran
at Gateway 2014, as outlined here.
Downloaded: 2,308 | Size: 1.4 MB | Added: February 15, 2016
The Warriors
All of the notes, maps, and characters I created to run a convention game based on
“The Warriors” movie, as explained in these posts.
Downloaded: 2,267 | Size: 3.0 MB | Added: September 12, 2015
Imagine That! ↑
Imagine That
A PDF introduction to tabletop RPGs, for those who found themselves here but have no clue what a role-playing game, Dungeons & Dragons, or GURPS even is.
Downloaded: 397 | Size: 51.7 KB | Added: October 5, 2021
Mudge (Mook’s Fudge) ↑
Mudge (PDF)
This is the PDF version of a Fudge hack I cobbled together ~13 years ago.
Downloaded: 1,249 | Size: 795.4 KB | Added: June 8, 2006
Mudge (HTML)
This is the HTML version of a Fudge hack I cobbled together ~13 years ago.
Downloaded: 1,025 | Size: 87.3 KB | Added: June 8, 2006
Would it be possible for you to share the extensive “Campaing Planning Sheet” you included in “How to be a GURPS GM” (which is a marvelous book by the way!! Thanks!)
I’d love to have a PDF version of that sheet instead of prying wide open my nice book, if you can share one with me.
Hiya, Mathieu! Glad you enjoyed “How to Be a GURPS GM.”
Unfortunately, probably not — the original Campaign Planning Form from the Basic Set is available for free from SJGames (, so there was no issue with making a PDF-fillable version available. But the same is not true of the expanded version from HTBAGG, it’s actually a part of the value of the product it’s in.
Until that changes, sharing any version of it infringes the copyright — purchasing the PDF version of the book is the only way to get it (and note, it is not form-fillable).
thank you!