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Close Combat





Combat Examples - Directory

Melee | Close Combat | Ranged
(PDF download of all current examples)


One (PDF)
Arthur Green: Shortsword / Cloth Armor
Zach Red: Small Mace / Cloth Armor

Two (PDF)
Arthur Green: Thrusting Broadsword / Leather Armor
Zach Red: Mace / Leather Armor

Three (PDF)
Arthur Green: Greatsword / Mail Armor
Zach Red: Morningstar / Mail Armor

Four (no PDF yet)
Arthur Green: Pick / Leather Armor
Zach Red: Broadsword / Mail Armor

Close Combat

One (PDF)
Arthur Green: Boxing / Normal Clothing
Zach Red: Brawling / Normal Clothing

Two (PDF)
Arthur Green: Judo / Normal Clothing
Zach Red: Karate / Normal Clothing

Three (PDF)
Arthur Green: Thrusting Broadsword / Leather Armor
Zach Red: Karate / Normal Clothing

Four (PDF)
Arthur Green: Thrusting Broadsword / Leather Armor
Zach Red: Karate / Normal Clothing


One (PDF)
Arthur Green: Longbow / Cloth Armor
Zach Red: Spear / Cloth Armor

Two (PDF)
Arthur Green: Sniper Rifle, .338 / Normal Clothing
Zach Red: No Weapon / Tactical Vest with Trauma Plates

Three (PDF)
Arthur Green: Revolver, .44M / Ballistic Vest
Zach Red: PDW, 4.6mm / Normal Clothing

Four (PDF)
Arthur Green: Sniper Rifle, .338 (APHC) / Normal Clothing
Zach Red: No Weapon / Tactical Vest with Trauma Plates

A harmful truth is better than a useful lie.
--Thomas Mann