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Close Combat





Sniper Rifle, .338 (APHC)/Normal Clothing VS.
Unarmed/Tactical Vest w/ Trauma Plates

Ranged Combat - Example Four (discussion) (PDF)

Arthur Green

ST: 10 HP: 10 Size Modifier: 0
DX: 14 Will: 10 Encumbrance: 0 (21.5 lbs.)
IQ: 10 Per: 10 Basic Speed: 6
HT: 10 FP: 10 Basic Move: 6
Thrust: 1d-2 Swing: 1d
Dodge: 9 Parry: - Block: -

Armor: Normal Clothing* (DR 0 arms, legs, torso, groin, 2 lbs.), Shoes* (DR 1 feet, 2 lbs.) [* flexible]
Sniper Rifle, .338: 9d+1(2) pi-*; Acc: 6+3; Range: 1500/5500; RoF: 1; Shots: 4+1(3); ST: 11B; Bulk: -6; Rcl: 4 (17.5 lbs.)
* (using AHCP rounds adds the armor divisor of 2, and makes the damage pi- instead of pi)

Skills: Guns (Rifle) - 22 (DX+8)

Zach Red

ST: 10 HP: 10 Size Modifier: 0
DX: 10 Will: 10 Encumbrance: 0 (20 lbs.)
IQ: 12 Per: 10 Basic Speed: 5
HT: 10 FP: 10 Basic Move: 5
Thrust: 1d-2 Swing: 1d
Dodge: 8 Parry: - Block: -

Armor: Tactical Vest w/ Trauma Plates (DR 35/28 torso, DR 12/5* groin, 18 lbs.), Normal Clothing* (DR 0 arms, legs, torso, groin, 2 lbs.), Shoes* (DR 1 feet, 2 lbs.) [* flexible]


This example is a variation of Ranged Example Two - instead of a successful headshot, Arthur will hit the torso instead. The only other change is that Arthur's sniper rifle is using Armor Piercing Hard Core (APHC) ammunition (B279) instead of standard rounds.

As before, Arthur Green has been hired to assassinate Zach Red, a paranoid criminal boss. Because of Zach's security precautions, Arthur decides his best chance of success is to lay in wait 500 yards from Zach's front door and try to shoot him as he walks to his car (which takes 4 seconds - say 10 yards from house to car).

As Zach will be unaware of the attack, he'll have no chance to take action until after the first shot. Arthur lays prone with his weapon Ready, and begins Aiming as soon as Zach leaves his house.

Arthur Green HP: 10
Maneuver: Aim (Zach)

The weapon's Accuracy is "6+3", meaning the weapon itself has an Accuracy of "6", and the scope gives an additional "+3" after aiming for an equal number of turns (B412).

This turn of Aim gives a total bonus of +6 (for the weapon itself, no scope bonus yet).

Arthur Green HP: 10
Maneuver: Aim (Zach)

This turn of Aim gives an additional bonus of +1 for continued Aiming.

Arthur Green HP: 10
Maneuver: Aim (Zach)

This turn of Aim gives an additional bonus of +1 for continued Aiming and +3 for the scope.

Arthur Green HP: 10
Maneuver: All-Out Attack (Determined), Hit Location: Skull (Zach)

Arthur rolls 3d6 against his effective Guns (Rifle) skill of 14 (+1 for All-Out Attack (Determined), +1 for bracing, +9 for Accuracy (weapon and scope of "6+3" combined), +2 for Aiming (3 seconds), -7 for Hit Location: Skull, -14 for 500 yards range) and gets 15, a miss by one.

An attack to Hit Location: Skull that misses by one hits the Torso instead, so this is a successful hit to the Torso (as Zach gets no defense). Arthur rolls 9d+1 for damage and gets a total of 32.

Zach Red HP: 3, Shock: -4
32 points of pi- basic damage to the Torso - 17 DR (DR is divided by the Armor Divisor of 2) leaves 15 points of penetrating damage. 15 points x the 0.5 wounding modifier for pi- damage = 7.5 points of damage, rounded down to 7. Zach's HP are reduced to 3, and he has a shock penalty of -4.

As this is also a Major Wound (more than 1/2 HP injury from a single blow), Zach must check for Knockdown and Stunning (B420). He rolls 3d6 against his HT of 10 and gets 10 - he suffers no penalty beyond ordinary shock.

Also, as he now has less than 1/3 his HP, his Move and Dodge are halved.

Zach Red HP: 3, Shock: -4
Maneuver: Move

Though he may be safer hiding behind his car, Zach doesn't know how many shooters are out there trying to kill him, so he decides to try and make it back to the house. His current Move is only 2 (1/2 Move for less than 1/3 HP), he moves 2 yards towards the front door.

Arthur Green HP: 10
Maneuver: All-Out Attack (Determined), Hit Location: Random (Zach)

Arthur rolls 3d6 against his effective Guns (Rifle) skill of 10 (+1 for All-Out Attack (Determined), +1 for bracing, -14 for 500 yards range) and gets 10 - a possible hit.

Zach Red HP: 3, FP: 9, Shock: -4
Opts to spend 1 FP to choose Feverish Defense. Rolls 3d6 against his effective Dodge of 6 (1/2 Dodge for less than 1/3 HP, +2 for Feverish Defense) and gets 12 - he fails to Dodge.
Arthur Green HP: 10
Opted to strike at "whatever target presents itself" (B400), rolls 3d6 and gets 6, a hit to the Right Leg. Rolls 9d+1 for damage and gets a total of 36.
Zach Red HP: -3, FP: 9, Shock: -4
36 points of pi- basic damage to the Leg - 0 DR leaves 36 points of penetrating damage. 36 points x the 0.5 wounding modifier for pi- damage = 18 points of damage. The leg is crippled, though damage over 6 is ignored (the minimum amount needed to cripple, HP/2, B399). Zach's HP are reduced to -3 and he again has a shock penalty of -4.

Zach's Right Leg is now Crippled - he falls down Prone, and temporarily has the Lame (Missing Legs) disadvantage (B141), giving -6 to any skill that requires the use of his legs and reducing his Basic Move to 2.

As "any crippling injury is also a major wound", Zach must check for Knockdown and Stunning (B420). He rolls 3d6 against his HT of 10 and gets 12 - he is now suffering from Stun.

Zach Red HP: -3, FP: 9, Shock: -4
Maneuver: Do Nothing (Stun)

As he is below 0 HP, Zach would normally need to roll against his HT to avoid falling unconscious - since he is Stunned, however, and must choose to Do Nothing, he does not need to make this roll until he attempts a defense roll or some maneuver other than Do Nothing (B419).

Before his turn ends he rolls 3d6 against his HT of 10 to recover from Stun and gets 10 - he may act normally on his next turn.

Arthur Green HP: 10
Maneuver: All-Out Attack (Determined), Hit Location: Random (Zach)

Arthur rolls 3d6 against his effective Guns (Rifle) skill of 8 (+1 for All-Out Attack (Determined), +1 for bracing, -2 for target being Prone, -14 for 500 yards range) and gets 8 - a possible hit.

Zach Red HP: -3, FP: 8, Shock: -4
Opts to spend 1 FP to choose Feverish Defense. Now that he is attempting a defense roll, Zach must first roll against his HT of 10 to avoid falling unconscious - he rolls 3d6 for a total of 8 and succeeds.

Then rolls 3d6 against his effective Dodge of 3 (1/2 Dodge for less than 1/3 HP, +2 for Feverish Defense, -3 for Prone) and gets 13 - he fails to Dodge. This is a critical failure, failing a defense roll by 10 or more (B382), but as he is already prone there is no further effect.

Arthur Green HP: 10
Opted to strike at "whatever target presents itself" (B400), rolls 3d6 and gets 5, a hit to the Face. Rolls 9d+1 for damage and gets a total of 28.
Zach Red HP: -17, FP: 8, Shock: -4
28 points of pi- basic damage to the Face - 0 DR leaves 28 points of penetrating damage. 28 points x the 0.5 wounding modifier for pi- damage = 14 points of damage. Zach's HP are reduced to -17 and he again has a shock penalty of -4.

As he is below -1 x HP, Zach immediately rolls 3d6 against his HT of 10 to avoid dying and gets 14 - Zach dies.

At this point 'combat time' has ended, as Zach has died from his injuries.

Every one of us is precious in the cosmic perspective. If a human disagrees with you, let him live. In a hundred billion galaxies, you will not find another.
-- Carl Sagan