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Close Combat





Revolver, .44M/Ballistic Vest VS.
PDW, 4.6mm/Normal Clothing

Ranged Combat - Example Three (discussion) (PDF)

Arthur Green

ST: 12 HP: 12 Size Modifier: 0
DX: 14 Will: 10 Encumbrance: 0 (9.25 lbs.)
IQ: 10 Per: 10 Basic Speed: 6
HT: 10 FP: 10 Basic Move: 6
Thrust: 1d-1 Swing: 1d+2
Dodge: 9 Parry: - Block: -

Armor: Normal Clothing* (DR 0 arms, legs, torso, groin, 2 lbs.), Shoes* (DR 1 feet, 2 lbs.), Ballistic Vest (DR 8/2* ** torso, 2 lbs.) [* flexible, ** use the higher DR against piercing and cutting damage]
Revolver, 44M: 3d pi+; Acc: 2; Range: 200/2500; RoF: 3; Shots: 6(3i); ST: 11; Bulk: -3; Rcl: 4 (3.25 lbs.)

Skills: Guns (Pistol) - 18 (DX+4)

Zach Red

ST: 14 HP: 14 Size Modifier: 0
DX: 12 Will: 10 Encumbrance: 0 (7.9 lbs.)
IQ: 10 Per: 10 Basic Speed: 5.5
HT: 10 FP: 10 Basic Move: 5
Thrust: 1d Swing: 2d
Dodge: 8 Parry: - Block: -

Armor: Normal Clothing* (DR 0 arms, legs, torso, groin, 2 lbs.), Shoes* (DR 1 feet, 2 lbs.) [* flexible]
PDW, 4.6mm: 4d+1 pi-; Acc: 3; Range: 200/2000; RoF: 15; Shots: 20+1(3); ST: 7; Bulk: -3; Rcl: 2 (3.9 lbs.)

Skills: Guns (SMG) - 16 (DX+4)

In this example, Arthur and Zach are sworn enemies who happen upon one another on a deserted city street, 15 yards apart.

Arthur has the higher Basic Speed, so he goes first.

Arthur Green HP: 12
Maneuver: Ready (revolver)

Zach Red HP: 14
Maneuver: Ready (PDW)

Arthur Green HP: 12
Maneuver: Attack, Rapid Fire (B373) (3 shots, Zach)

Rolls 3d6 against his effective Guns (Pistol) skill of 13 (-5 for 15 yard range) and gets 8 - two possible hits (1 extra hit for every full multiple of weapon Recoil [4] by which the attack roll succeeds).

Zach Red HP: 14
Rolls 3d6 against his Dodge of 8 and gets 7 - he Dodges both attacks (1 extra attack dodged for every point by which the Dodge roll succeeds).

Zach Red HP: 14
Maneuver: Attack, Rapid Fire, Hit Location: Random (15 shots, Arthur)

Rolls 3d6 against his effective Guns (SMG) skill of 14 (-5 for 15 yard range, +3 for 15 shots) and gets 9 - three possible hits (1 extra hit for every full multiple of weapon Recoil [2] by which the attack roll succeeds).

Arthur Green HP: 12
Opts to Dodge and Drop (B377), and drops prone. He rolls 3d6 against his effective Dodge of 12 (+3 for Dodge and Drop) and gets 11 - he Dodges two of the three attacks (1 extra attack dodged for every point by which the Dodge roll succeeds, B375).
Zach Red HP: 14
Opted to strike at "whatever target presents itself" (B400), rolls 3d6 and gets 12, a hit to the Left Arm. He then rolls 4d+1 for damage and gets a total of 11.
Arthur Green HP: 7, Shock: -4
11 points of pi- damage to the Left Arm - 0 DR leaves 11 points of penetrating damage. 11 points x the 0.5 wounding modifier for pi- damage = 5.5, rounded down to 5. Arthur's HP are reduced to 7 and he has a shock penalty of -4.

Arthur Green HP: 7, Shock: -4
Maneuver: Aim

Zach Red HP: 14
Maneuver: Attack, Rapid Fire (6 shots, Arthur) (weapon now out of ammo)

Rolls 3d6 against his effective Guns (SMG) skill of 10 (-5 for 15 yard range, -2 for target being Prone, +1 for 6 shots) and gets 14 - all shots miss.

Arthur Green HP: 7
Maneuver: All-Out Attack (Determined), Hit Location: Vitals, Rapid Fire (3 shots, Zach) (weapon now out of ammo)

Rolls 3d6 against his effective Guns (Pistol) skill of 14 (-5 for 15 yard range, -3 for Hit Location: Vitals, +1 for All-Out Attack (Determined), +1 for bracing [using two hands], +2 for Accuracy) and gets 11 - one possible hit.

Zach Red HP: 14
Opts to Dodge and Drop, and drops prone. He rolls 3d6 against his effective Dodge of 11 (+3 for Dodge and Drop) and gets 15 - he fails to Dodge.
Arthur Green HP: 7
Rolls 3d for damage and gets 12.
Zach Red HP: -22, Shock: -4
12 points of pi+ damage to the Vitals - 0 DR leaves 12 points of penetrating damage. 12 points x the 3 wounding modifier for Hit Location: Vitals = 36. Zach's HP are reduced to -22 and he has a shock penalty of -4.

As he is below -1 x HP, Zach immediately rolls 3d6 against his HT of 10 to avoid dying and gets 9 - he is still alive.

This was also a Major Wound (more than 1/2 HP injury from a single blow), so Zach must check for Knockdown and Stunning (B420) (even if it weren't enough damage for a Major Wound, it would still require a check for Knockdown and Stunning since it's an attack to the Vitals that caused a Shock penalty). He rolls 3d6 against his effective HT of 5 (-5 for Hit Location: Vitals) and gets 9 - he drops his weapon, falls down prone, and suffers Stun.

He also has less than 1/3 his HP, so his Move and Dodge are halved.

Zach Red HP: -22, Shock: -4
Maneuver: Do Nothing (Stun)

Rolls 3d6 against his effective HT of 9 (-1 per full multiple of HP below zero) to avoid unconsciousness and gets 11 - Zach loses consciousness.

At this point 'combat time' has ended, as Zach is unable to defend himself - he can roll against his HT in 12 hours to see if he awakens (B423). Since the combat did not last longer than 10 seconds, Arthur does not lose any Fatigue Points (B426).

Assuming no one administers First Aid, Zach may continue bleeding from his wounds (optional, B420). After 1 minute, he rolls 3d6 against his effective HT of 3 (-1 per 5 HP lost, so -7) and gets 8 - he loses an additional 1 HP, bringing his current HP to -23.

Over the course of the next 5 minutes he fails 5 more rolls against his effective HT of 3, losing 5 more HP and bringing his current HP to -28. As this is his -2 x HP threshold, he must make another HT roll to avoid death - Zach rolls 3d6 against his HT of 10 and gets 11.

Zach has bled out and died from his wound.

The great thing is, if one can, to stop regarding all the unpleasant things as interruptions in one's 'own' or 'real' life. The truth is, of course, that what one regards as interruptions are precisely one's life.
--C.S. Lewis