Odds 'n Ends
Random GamingAt one point, my sister and I often found ourselves hanging out for an hour or two and wanting to do some gaming, but not really having a way to quickly come up with a one-shot game. So we sat down and came up with the following two lists, each 36 items long.To use these lists simply roll 7d6 once to choose the character type, then roll 7d6 again to choose the game setting. Once you have the character and the setting just jump right in and play. This can be a fun way to spend some time roleplaying without needing a lot of players, a lot of time, or a lot of supplies. It's also good exercise for your "normal" roleplaying, since the GM has to come up with the plots and NPCs as the game progresses, and the player gets good exercise playing a wide variety of character types. You might get some strange combinations using this method, but just use your imagination. A "ninja" who is "underground" can be in feudal Japan, seeking an enemy in a cave complex, or he can be a Dwarven royal assassin, sent ahead of an invading army to eliminate the enemy clan's king. Just go wild and have a blast. Really! There's no way to play a roleplaying game wrong - as long as you're having fun, you're doing it right. Obviously these lists can easily be modified to be larger or smaller, or to include more of your own favorite genres/character types. Go nuts! Characters, 7d6
Settings, 7d6