(A shameless plug for a real server host!)
I can’t believe it – checked my email the other morning and there was actually an email from Lee at DRG Servers! Their last contact with me was a full year ago.
For those not familiar with the way our SoF2 clan was treated by DRG Servers, it is more fully explained in these three posts: DRG Servers – Avoid At All Costs, DRG Servers – Update, and DRG Servers – Still Unprofessional.
Here is the email I received from Lee/DRG:
Lee/DRG Servers to Mook, June 18, 2007
Hello Mook.
Can we come to some sort of conclusion on these blogs on your website.
Can we have them removed please.
When i say removed the posts have to be deleted perminantly from your web
interface.Thank you again sir.
And my reply:
Mook to Lee/DRG Servers, June 19, 2007
Hi Lee,
I honestly don’t understand why you can’t seem to follow what I’m saying.
We’ve not heard back from you in a YEAR. Nothing has changed during that time, nor do I expect it ever will.
The time when DRG could have resolved this whole mess professionally is *so* far beyond gone!
My comments will remain posted, forever. I would of course post new comments about DRG if ever there were a reason to, but I don’t really see that happening. After all, as I already mentioned – it’s been a year.
The past is done, and the truth of our dealings is posted exactly as it occurred. That so many other dissatisfied DRG customers have found their way to my site to share their experiences is, frankly, your problem, not mine.
In the year our clan has been with GameServers.com (formerly ClanServers.com), our server has run nearly flawlessly. The few times there was an issue (all minor), it was resolved within hours, sometimes minutes. Their customer support has been unfailingly professional, courteous, and as an added bonus could actually spell words correctly and construct proper sentences.
I understand your desire to perform damage control on your reputation, but what has been written will remain for as long as I have a site. The only comments you have a chance to influence are those not written yet.
I guess I’ll hear from you again next year? 2008 it is then.
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