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Frivolous Profundity

Friv-o-lous: trivial, unworthy of serious attention … Pro-fun-di-ty: wisdom that is profound, difficult to uncover

I am back from Arizona, numb and in desperate need of something to focus my mind on.

Luckily sitting in a dark room, endlessly tweaking and updating my WoW AddOns, is just the kind of tedious busywork I need.

Here is version 12-20-2006 … see the MookUI_readme for details (including full list of AddOns).

You can download a .zip file containing all the AddOns I’m using here

Questions, support, and suggestions for “MookUI” can be found at this forum

Screenshots have not changed:
No Target:
MookUI Final No Target continue reading…

I will be offline for a day, a week, who knows. I wanted to mention so those few of you who notice me in the corners of various message boards, games, or other online communities will understand my sudden absence.

My mother died.

Her 80th birthday was this week (biologically she was my grandmother), but she had to spend it in an ICU, and then at 10:30am AZ time yesterday she passed away, painlessly, with my sister and father near her.

She will be missed beyond the telling of it. I loved her very much.

Mom and Dad

Only a barebones posting, but wanted to let folks know I’ve made a few great changes (I think) to the AddOns included in the MookUI compilation.

See the MookUI_readme for details (including full list of AddOns).

No Target:
MookUI Final No Target continue reading…

From the “MookUI_readme.txt”:

This is my final version of the AddOn compilation “MookUI v.3”, at least for a while.

As always, thanks to all the hard working AddOn authors out there who have created these gems – your work is very much appreciated!

The files in the download are identical to those I have on my home machine – all of these AddOns work together for me, chances are very good they will also work for you. If you do have any problems I’ll try to help as best I can (I can always be reached through the forums or blog at:, but I don’t have any plans to maintain this compilation indefinitely. Now that all of the main AddOn sites are showing sparks of life once more, there is less of a need for me to keep the compilation available for download.

I still think it makes a great “starter kit” of Patch-compliant AddOns though – so please enjoy!

To install these AddOns, unzip the file “” to your “C:\Games\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns” folder (or wherever your actual AddOns folder happens to be).

No Target:
MookUI3 Final No Target continue reading…

I’ve updated my interface again, added a bunch more AddOns upgraded to work after the last big patch. As before, I’ve made a .zip file of all my current AddOns available for download (since all of the major World of Warcraft sites are still on the slow / incapacitated side):

No Target:
MookUI3 No Target continue reading…

The recent “2.0” patch for World of Warcraft pretty much decimated a lot of AddOns. Rather than trying to scramble to replace my entire interface from before the patch, I figured it was a good time to start from scratch and see what I could piece together.

The results are promising. Though I’ve gone from 120+ AddOns to about a dozen, the core functionality I’m looking for remains – all data moved to the bottom of the screen and 6 pages of scrollable Action Buttons.

No Target:
MookUI2 No Target continue reading…

(Prior to the post, here is a shameless plug for a real server host!)

Well folks, here it is at last – what you’ve all been waiting for, the next installment of “Just how unprofessional IS DRG Servers anyway?” Below is (likely) the last email conversation I will ever have with DRG, as these emails are from many, many months ago and they have sent nothing since. Looks like our $25 will never be refunded – hopefully we can at least let prospective customers know the sort of business geniuses they are dealing with before they rent a server from DRG.

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I recently pulled together a few files to post on the Blizzard “World of Warcraft” forums, so I thought I’d post them here as well for those interested.

I like to keep everything confined to the lowest third/quarter of the screen when at all possible, to keep the clutter manageable. World of Warcraft is a great looking game, I like to see as much of it as I can! Here are some screenshots.

No Target:
MookUI No Target

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Just a quickie today – I meant to post this before Halloween because it’s one of the coolest carved pumpkins I’ve ever seen (and I grew up in Salem Mass., arguably the Halloween capitol of the world, so I know of which I speak). Behold … the cylon jack-o-lantern!

Cylon Pumpkin

There’s also a YouTube video of the pumpkin “in action”.

Not to be outdone, our very own Laid Back Assassin “|LBA| Baroness” created an “LBA” Jack-o-Lantern:

LBA Pumpkin 01
LBA Pumpkin 02

Sweeeeeeeet! Hope everyone had a fun and safe holiday.

Forum Discussion

Greetings fellow consumers!

I’ve changed the ‘Donations’ link from the main page to ‘How to Help Out‘, and expanded the info on that page. I’ve also set up an storefront linked from TheMook.Net. Anyone purchasing items from Amazon through that link will generate a tiny commission for me. If you’re planning on doing any shopping with Amazon anyway, especially as the holiday season once again creeps up on us, I would really appreciate it if you could do so through TheMook.Net link – every little bit really does help!


By the way, the DRG Server saga still isn’t quite complete – I had yet another bizarre exchange of emails with them, months ago, and will try to get those emails posted soon.

Forum Discussion

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