My GURPS GM Screen
I love my GM screen. It’s eight glorious pages of densely-packed GURPS goodness, with at least 90% of anything I need to run any game, any time. I often say I haven’t had to crack an actual book at the […]
I love my GM screen. It’s eight glorious pages of densely-packed GURPS goodness, with at least 90% of anything I need to run any game, any time. I often say I haven’t had to crack an actual book at the […]
I’ve been tinkering around with how I run GURPS lately, even more than usual, and here’s my first quick thought: using Fate Aspects as GURPS Advantages. I like the concept of Aspects, of having these descriptive tags for your character […]
The latest issue of Pyramid magazine has another article on “pointless” character creation, this time for Monster Hunters, putting me in that frame of mind — so, I whipped up an archetypical fantasy party (at the “Heroic” level) using my […]
Part 1 of this post looked at nailing down the adventure idea, expanding it a bit, coming up with some pre-gen characters, and starting to flesh out the details, which is the step continuing here. Remember, if you’re just looking for the […]
Thursday is GURPS Day! And we will definitely be getting our GURPS on, but I’ve had to change up the schedule a bit. I attended the ever-wondrous Gateway 2015 convention this past weekend, and had planned to post a recap of […]
I was tinkering with the GURPS Quick-Start Character Creation system I posted a while back, and added a few tweaks for more powerful characters. As mentioned in the original article, the system can easily be modified by changing the underlying […]
Spurred by a recent online discussion, I realized that I’ve mentioned these tips in various places, but maybe not all together in one place. These are just a few ways to incorporate dice of different colors and/or sizes into your GURPS […]
“What’s the best way to introduce GURPS to new players?” is an incredibly common GM question (just this weekend I came across three different conversations), so I thought I’d post some of the ways I go about it. Depending on the […]
I’ve created a very simple GURPS character sheet that I thought others might find useful — the front has the character sheet itself and a summary of the quick character creation rules from my recent “Seven-Minute GURPS Character” post; the back […]
(Note: there’s a more current version of the rules described below in this post.) Continuing with the “making GURPS quicker and more streamlined” theme of the last couple of posts, here is a submission from last year outlining a “quick and dirty” system […]
I recently posted about ways to run GURPS in the style of Fate and made mention of the GURPS PDF Power-Ups 5: Impulse Buys, saying “This would be the book for GMs looking for something like the Fate Points economy in […]
Over the past few years, I have had the great fortune to play in many, many convention games of Fate, run by some of the best GMs involved with it. It is, in a nutshell, a fantastic RPG. I often note that, […]
This will likely be the last “How to Be a GURPS GM” post for a bit, but there were a few more reader comments that I wanted to share! “Any book that we can point to when someone expresses confusion or timid […]
It has been an amazing weekend since the release of “How to Be a GURPS GM,” with friends from far and wide heaping congratulations and virtual cheers. I’ve also been scouring the internet daily to see what the reception has […]
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