“How To Be A GURPS GM” Released!
All right, people, I hope you’re sitting down — this is big news. I mean, really big. BIG. NEWS. At least to me. Just about three years ago, after toiling with great joy and genuine pride, I submitted to Steve […]
All right, people, I hope you’re sitting down — this is big news. I mean, really big. BIG. NEWS. At least to me. Just about three years ago, after toiling with great joy and genuine pride, I submitted to Steve […]
I recently ran a couple of GURPS games at Gamex 2014, and stumbled upon a great method for pairing colored tokens and dice to speed up large combats. The encounter called for the four PCs to fight against eight NPC creatures […]
As a nice follow-up to my post a couple weeks ago about different tokens and miniatures for tabletop RPGs, I recently came across an excellent discussion at the GURPS forums about using Lego minifigs as gaming figures. I did actually have some first-hand […]
I’ve recently been upgrading the tokens and counters I use when running combats for my GURPS games. It’s an ongoing process — I tinker with this and that, use it for a while, then move on to something else. But […]
Each Halloween I try to run a one-shot GURPS Horror game for the non-gamer and gamer-curious among my friends. So far this year, I’ve run two of the three groups I was able to schedule, and we’ve been using this […]
EDIT: This app has been pulled from the Play Store, and recreated as a stand-alone web site. If you have an Android phone and/or tablet, and you love playing GURPS, then there is absolutely no excuse for you to not […]
A few years back, I used Kinko’s/FedEx to combine my GURPS Characters and GURPS Campaigns into a single volume. It looked like this: It served me well through many a GURPS campaign, but I […]
This is Part 2 of my dissection of game prep for a recent GURPS convention adventure — if you need to catch up, Part 1 is here. When last we left my brain, I had 8 pre-gen characters in very rough form. […]
Probably the most common question any GM is asked, behind “Do you do it for the money, the prestige, or the groupies?”, is “How do you create your adventures?” In these posts I’ll be dissecting a recent convention game I […]
A friend of mine drew this for me in high school: The other two are pretty self-explanatory, but the “flaming haycarts”?
Nearly 2 years ago, I emailed a query to my favorite game publisher about a possible PDF book. I was 90% sure I would get back a polite form letter thanking me for my interest and sending me on my […]
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