Happy GURPSDay, everyone, and for many of us, a happy Thanksgiving as well.
In the spirit of said holiday and its accompanying introspection, here are some of the gaming-related things I am thankful for (since this isn’t a blog about knitting).
- Role-playing games themselves, the very idea of them and all the countless voyages they have sent me on, and for the dreamers who were the first to spring them forth: Gygax, Arneson, and Wesely. Well played, gentlemen.
- AD&D, specifically, the game that cemented my passion for the hobby and forged bonds of friendship that continue to this day.
- GURPS, naturally, the game that took that passion and turned it up to 11 and beyond, expanded my horizons of what gaming can be, and ultimately led to my realizing the goal of becoming a published author.
- Most importantly, all of the friends, players, GMs, acquaintances, Patrons, fans, authors, artists, publishers, and all-around gamers that I have come to share this wonderful hobby with for the last 30+ years. Your creativity and enthusiasm keep me going.
Thank you, all, for reading these posts and sharing in the community here. Enjoy the holiday, and don’t forget… after the meal, you may find yourself seated around a table full of friends and family, so keep some dice in your pocket just in case.
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