Friends, gamers, random bot crawlers, welcome to a long overdue blog post!
As amends, I do at least come bearing a gift. Neigutten, from the unofficial GURPS Discord server (all welcome, whether you’re brand-new or been playing for decades), created a character sheet for GURPS Ultra-Lite. I added some form fields (checkboxes for traits, lines for skills), so you can either type in the character digitally or print out the sheet and enter it manually. There’s a 6-line text field at the top for whatever you need: name, template, fifth grade crush, etc. You can add Rich Text Formatting with the usual keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl/Command + B/I/U for bold, italics, underline).
It looks like this sample character, Sir Reginald:
The blank, form-fillable sheet can be downloaded here:
GURPS Ultra-Lite Character Sheet | Downloads: 2,866
So far, I’ve never actually GMed a game using Ultra-Lite — I have my own selection of favorite GURPS rules that I endlessly tweak — but it’s always seemed like a quick and fun “quasi-GURPS.” Hopefully, those of you who do play Ultra-Lite will find this sheet useful. Thanks to Neigutten for putting it together and letting me fiddle a bit.
As for the lengthy absence and why there have been no new posts in so long, I’ve been having some medical and personal issues that are really slowing me down (all being treated, no need to worry). But gaming is one of the things I still have passion for, still get good vibes and joy and sunshine from, so I’m slowly trying to get Game Geekery spun back up. I appreciate your sticking around to see what happens next.
The Darknet online game is on a brief sabbatical, but we’re all looking forward to getting back to it very soon. In general, I’m hoping to find time for more online gaming, as I don’t think I’ll be GMing at Gateway 2018 this year.
So, I’m here, I’m writing, I’m thinking of all things GURPS-y. Enjoy the fillable character sheet, thank Neigutten if you see him, and check back for new posts when they pop up. Hope you had some great games this weekend!
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This should have the same format as the ultra-lite rulebook.
Make it a quasi-book with multiple pages. It would fit the cutesy format of the physical material really well.
Hiya, asd.
Good suggestion, I’ll pass it along to the original author. Who knows?