Just a quick post for anyone making it to Gamex 2019 (Los Angeles, May 24-27) in a few weeks, I’ll be GMing the “Starship Troopers” game I was going to run at Orccon 2019 on Friday 2pm-6pm, Saturday 2pm-6pm, and Sunday 9am-1pm. Hope you can make it!
Pre-register here (starting this Saturday, May 4th, at noon PST). As of writing I don’t see them on the site yet, but I submitted them last Sunday so they should be popping up any time!
The Only Good Bug…
As Mobile Infantry, your power armor bristles with high-tech ordnance, composite armor, strength enhancement, and more. It is the pinnacle of the Terran Federation’s military might, transforming you and your fellow troopers into humanity’s greatest defense against the Bugs.
Will it be enough?
* Absolutely no GURPS experience required! Come and enjoy. *
Previous Convention/One-Shot Games
- Unable to attend (Gateway 2018)
- Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory (Gamex 2018)
- Unable to attend (Orccon 2018)
- Hell to Pay (Online via Fantasy Grounds, 10/21/2017)
- In Defense of House Stark (Gateway 2017)
- Rescue or Bug Hunt? (Gamex 2017)
- Hare Today, Gone Tomorrow (Orccon 2017)
- Hell on Wheels (Gateway 2016)
- Beware the Boogeyman (Gamex 2016)
- Locus: A Needle in Infinite Haystacks (Orccon 2016)
- The Warriors: Come Out to Pla-Ay (Gateway 2015)
- Gatchaman: The Fall of Galactor? (Gamex 2015)
- The Treasure of Mordecai (OrcCon 2015)
- Some Bunny Needs You (Gateway 2014)
- The Vargon Trials (Gamex 2014)
- Spec Ops: Operation Needle (OrcCon 2014)
- GURPS Dungeon Fantasy: Requiem (Gateway 2013)
- Cynosure Romp: The Rescue of Grimjack (OrcCon 2013)
- Jem: License to Kill (Gateway 2011)
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Hi Mook,
I created a data file with the battlesuit bonuses. The Ultra Tech data doesn’t do that. Have no idea why.
After running a test game with my friends, I decided to not use battlesuits.
Hiya Tom! Were the suits just too indestructible, even with ablative DR? I may need to tweak em down (or the Bugs up). I hope at least it wasnt a total trainwreck 😎
Hey Mook,
Guess what? I changed my mind. One of my friends said the battlesuits. I think I will go with Commando Suit, and starship with hyperdrive like in Forbidden Planet (1956).
The Battlesuits are back!
Hiya, Tom! Just curious how your game is going/went 🙂