Fate Points in GURPS
I recently posted about ways to run GURPS in the style of Fate and made mention of the GURPS PDF Power-Ups 5: Impulse Buys, saying “This would be the book for GMs looking for something like the Fate Points economy in […]
I recently posted about ways to run GURPS in the style of Fate and made mention of the GURPS PDF Power-Ups 5: Impulse Buys, saying “This would be the book for GMs looking for something like the Fate Points economy in […]
Over the past few years, I have had the great fortune to play in many, many convention games of Fate, run by some of the best GMs involved with it. It is, in a nutshell, a fantastic RPG. I often note that, […]
Last weekend it was once more unto the breach for a Strategicon convention, and once more I had an uber-fun time! The con was Gateway 2014, and I was really looking forward to a little get-away with friends, games, and more games. […]
This will likely be the last “How to Be a GURPS GM” post for a bit, but there were a few more reader comments that I wanted to share! “Any book that we can point to when someone expresses confusion or timid […]
It has been an amazing weekend since the release of “How to Be a GURPS GM,” with friends from far and wide heaping congratulations and virtual cheers. I’ve also been scouring the internet daily to see what the reception has […]
All right, people, I hope you’re sitting down — this is big news. I mean, really big. BIG. NEWS. At least to me. Just about three years ago, after toiling with great joy and genuine pride, I submitted to Steve […]
I recently ran a couple of GURPS games at Gamex 2014, and stumbled upon a great method for pairing colored tokens and dice to speed up large combats. The encounter called for the four PCs to fight against eight NPC creatures […]
Since the GURPS Omnibus I got from Lulu turned out so well, and I’ve been reading more Fate lately, I decided to put together a single volume of Fate Core, the Fate System Toolkit, and Fate Accelerated for personal use. Here are […]
What I love about Kickstarter is, at least in my experience, you throw a few bucks at something shiny, and at some random point in the future it shows up on your doorstep. It’s like Russian roulette, but the bullets […]
As a nice follow-up to my post a couple weeks ago about different tokens and miniatures for tabletop RPGs, I recently came across an excellent discussion at the GURPS forums about using Lego minifigs as gaming figures. I did actually have some first-hand […]
I’ve recently been upgrading the tokens and counters I use when running combats for my GURPS games. It’s an ongoing process — I tinker with this and that, use it for a while, then move on to something else. But […]
Each Halloween I try to run a one-shot GURPS Horror game for the non-gamer and gamer-curious among my friends. So far this year, I’ve run two of the three groups I was able to schedule, and we’ve been using this […]
EDIT: This app has been pulled from the Play Store, and recreated as a stand-alone web site. If you have an Android phone and/or tablet, and you love playing GURPS, then there is absolutely no excuse for you to not […]
A few years back, I used Kinko’s/FedEx to combine my GURPS Characters and GURPS Campaigns into a single volume. It looked like this: It served me well through many a GURPS campaign, but I […]
Well, Gamex 2013 ended a few weeks ago, and I have finally recovered enough for … post-convention wrap up time! Short version is, I pre-regged for 8 games but only managed to play 5 1/4 (due to feeling like poo […]
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