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Current Map Cycle

Each map is set to end after 15 minutes or 50 kills.
Download individual maps below, or all 11 current maps in a single file (30mb):

  • Airport Warehouse (DM)
    indentermp_air1.pk3 [standard map]
  • Raven Office (DM)
    indentermp_raven.pk3 [standard map]
  • Aztec (CTF)
    indentermp_aztec.pk3 [download]
  • Jordan Market Siege (DM)
    indentermp_jor1.pk3 [standard map]
  • Brutus Battle Maze (DM)
    indentermazes.pk3 [download]
  • Brutus Battle House (DM)
    indenterhouse.pk3 [download]
  • Hong Kong Streets (DM)
    indentermp_hk2.pk3 [standard map]
  • TB Falcon (DM)
    indentertb_falcon.pk3 [download]
  • TW Honeymoon's Over (DM)
    indentertw_honeymoons_over.pk3 [download]
  • TB Falcon 2 (DM)
    indentertb_falcon2.pk3 [download]
  • Lost World (20stp) (DM)
    indenter20stp_lost_world_3.pk3 [download]
  • Swimmin' Pool (DM)
    indenterswimminpool.pk3 [download]
  • Dust 2 (DEM)
    indentermp_dust2.pk3 [download]
  • Condom (DM)
    indenterdm_condom.pk3 [download]
  • Valley of Death (20stp) (DM)
    indenter20stp_valley_of_death.pk3 [download]

Other Maps

These maps are not in our current map cycle, but still get played occasionally.
Download individual maps below, or get all 16 in a single file (48mb):

If you are calm, while all around you people are in at state of panic, you probably haven't understood the seriousness of the situation
-- unknown